Awards Season 2023-24: The 13th Annual Gravy Awards

Picture: A very strong year; as of this writing I actually have 31 **** films, the last being How to Blow Up a Pipeline. It’s much stronger than last year; Decision to Leave, which was #1 last year, would be #3 this year, while The Cathedral, last year’s #5, would be this year’s #11. Only…

Awards Season 2023-24: The 96th Academy Awards

Is Al Pacino okay? Serious question. That concern aside, it was a pretty good night. Kimmel’s hosting was hit-and-miss, but I’ve certainly seen worse. I liked how they presented the acting awards. Would’ve been cool if they’d done that with a couple other categories, but it was a nice way for actors to pay tribute…

Awards Season 2023-24: Predicting the 96th Academy Awards

The moment of truth is here. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover, so I’ll just say that what I’m doing here is ranking the nominees in order of likeliness to win. When the winners are announced, I’ll score myself thusly: if my #1 wins, I get 5 points. If my #2 wins, I…

Awards Season 2023-24: 77th BAFTA Awards

The BAFTAs were today. They started announcing early, and I actually knew most of the winners before I left for work, but I didn’t get a chance to write them up until much later. Which gave me time to think about how things might play out in three weeks’ time. I’ll save some of that…

Awards Season 2023-24: Awards Round-Up 2/6

This is the last Awards Round-Up of the season. There are a few groups that haven’t gone, but at this point it’s the guilds we’re interested in. Those’ll really point the way to what wins the Oscar. Today we have eight groups, including my hometown crew: Picture: There are a few dissenters, but the Oppenheimer…

Academy of Oversight?

There are two kinds of Oscar snubs. There are the snubs where the film, performance, director, or script we wanted to see nominated wasn’t, and there are the snubs where the film, performance, director, or script was nominated by all the major precursors and still managed to miss the Oscars. This post is about the…

Awards Season 2023-24: The 96th Academy Awards Nominations

Well, not as chaotic as I feared (or sort of hoped) but given that my top two films of the year at present were among the frontrunners, I’m pretty happy with the results. Pretty happy, mind. I’ll find things to grumble about. My predictions are here. Let’s see how I did compared to them. Picture:…

Awards Season 2023-24: BAFTA Nominees

The BAFTA nominees dropped this morning, and as I write this, I haven’t even looked at them. I’m not going to get too deep into my analyses – I’ll save that for my Oscar nomination prediction post, which I’ll try to have up on Saturday. To be sure, the BAFTAs have made some changes in…

Awards Season 2023-24: Awards Round-Up 1/15

The Oscar nominations are a week from tomorrow and the BAFTA nominations are Thursday. It’s crunch time. This week I’m covering a whopping 14 groups: After this week, things will slow down considerably, so it’ll probably be at least two weeks before the next batch of these. Picture: *The AAFCA has a top 10 list,…