The Weekly Gravy #9

This week’s post is going up a day early, partly because tomorrow is Yom Kippur and partly because circumstances are probably going to prevent my watching any more films before Monday morning, at least with the degree of attention that would make for a worthy review. Besides, I’ve reviewed five films here, that’s plenty for…

Dunkin’ Caramel Macchiato Cereal Review

When I learned that Dunkin’ Donuts* was trying their hand at cereal, I was naturally intrigued, even if I’ve never made much time for their pastries or coffee. (America may run on Dunkin’, but I don’t.) But it wasn’t until I could get their two flavors—Caramel Macchiato and Mocha Latté—at a very good price, thanks…

The Weekly Gravy #8

Shanks (1974) – *** I’d known about Shanks for years, and had even owned it for years on Blu-Ray, but only tonight got around to watching it. But even knowing it exists is more than most viewers can claim, which is too bad, since it’s not only a rather fascinating little film, but one which…

Pumpkin Spice Tonic Review

Yes, it’s time for another soda review, and what should I review but a drink to suit the season! Ironically, I didn’t buy this soda recently but over the summer, but just haven’t gotten around to drinking it until tonight. Well, there’s no better time to drink a pumpkin-spice soda than on the brink of…

The Weekly Gravy #7

Who Killed Captain Alex (2010) – ** If Maya Deren made movies for what Hollywood spent on lipstick, then Nabwana IGG makes them for what Hollywood spends on tipping baristas; he made this film for $200 or so at his studio, Wakaliwood, located in Wakaliga, an impoverished area of Kampala, Uganda. Indeed, the film opens…

BRAINSTORM Review – ***

There’s an interesting subset of cult cinema: the film that, whether because of lack of money, time, or technology (or creative shortcomings), did not meet its goals, yet commands respect for having those goals in the first place. Brainstorm fits into that category, not just because Natalie Wood’s death required director Douglas Trumbull to patch…

Mugatu Moments

A Mugatu Moment is a scene in a piece of media—especially a movie or TV show—that makes you go, “…did anyone else see that?” And it feels like no one did. It’s a scene that’s so strange, so inexplicable, so out of step with the material surrounding it, that you’d expect most, if not every…

The Weekly Gravy #6

Owing to limitations of time and energy, I’ve only got three reviews for you this week. But two of them will be on Turner Classic Movies this coming Wednesday, and the third you can watch right now! And more importantly, all three of them are quite good and reflect the passion and unique talents of…

TENET Review – ***

Tenet is one of the plate-spinningest movies I’ve ever seen, a film which repeatedly lampshades its own complexity but overlooks the real issue, which is how little actually lies beneath all the sound and fury on display, until the climax features characters we hardly know fighting for reasons we barely comprehend, to defeat a villain…